Faced with the recruitment crisis, deputies Cécile Rilhac (Renaissance) and Rodrigo Arenas (LFI) propose to place the tests at the end of the license, followed by two years of remunerated training, in their conclusions published Wednesday, November 23.
by Sylvie Lecherbonnier
The idea has been rustling in educational circles for some time. Pap Ndiaye, the Minister of Education, alluded to it several times in his statements. The flash mission of deputies Cécile Rilhac (Renaissance, Val-d’Oise) and Rodrigo Arenas (LFI, Paris) on the recruitment, assignment and mobility of teachers from primary schools comes to carry the debate on the public square. The two parliamentarians, who make their conclusions on Wednesday 23 November on Wednesday, November 23, propose to initiate “a reflection on the displacement of the competition of school teachers at the end of the third year of license, followed by two years of remunerated professionalization”. All without calling into question the recruitment at Bac + 5: future teachers would be required to obtain a Master 2 to become trainee civil servants. These students trained alternately could then ensure part of the service discharges of school directors.
The two deputies, who launched this mission in view of the magnitude of the shortage of teachers highlighted at this start of the school year, see one of the levers to restore attractiveness to the profession. “Many criticisms have been issued regarding the displacement of the competition at the end of the second year of Master, which repels one year obtaining a salary, leads to an excessive workload and makes reorientation more difficult in case failure, “they said in their communication before the Cultural Affairs and Education Commission of the National Assembly, thus pinning the reform led by Jean-Michel Blanquer and Frédérique Vidal during the previous five-year term. The place of the competition as well as the content of the teacher training have never made consensus in the educational world, torn between supporters of disciplinary training and those who highlight the educational skills.
In filigree, deputies even question the need for a competition, a sine qua non -entry in the public service today. To expand the pool of candidates, Rodrigo Arenas thus highlights “a new training path among others”: “The creation of a school at the end of the school, in five years, providing paid training, correlated with a counterpart in the form of years due to the State “. He imagines “a course of which each year would be qualifying and validated, allowing ultimately to dispense with a final competition”, with the objective that the duration of studies and their cost no longer constitute “a brake” for students from categories less favored social. Such pre-recruitment formulas have already existed in the past, in particular with the preparatory institutes for secondary education in the years 1960-1970. Cécile Rilhac remains more on the idea of a “school of professionalization after a license”.
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