The ex-Nul is trying the American “Late Show”, for ten programs. And may be successful where all the others have failed.
by Audrey Fournier
The announcement, in mid-September, had surprised and TF1 then put the package to raise the sauce around this “late show”, umpteenth attempt of the PAF to import the format invented in the 1960s by Johnny Carson On NBC: a talk show head-to-head combining news, promotion, comedy and music, and based essentially on the charisma and the qualities of “performer” of his animator.
Many tried it – Michaël Youn, Cyril Hanouna, Antoine de Caunes, Arthur… Without forgetting Julie Snyder, arrival of Quebec in the 1990s – without ever convincing. One thing is certain, if Alain Chabat, one of the rare capable at present to bring together an entire family in front of a TV station, does not succeed, no one will succeed. So, successful bet?
The ten numbers, recorded in advance and broadcast each evening for two weeks (weekend except), have a test gallop for the Bouygues group channel – even if, at present, no information has not been given on a possible extension of the format. TF1 gave itself big means to succeed in these ten programs of just over an hour, broadcast around 11 p.m., that is to say after the World Cup match and its debrief.
divided twittosphere
After the first issue was broadcast on Monday, November 21 shortly before 11 p.m., the twittosphere is divided: according to a completely approximate estimate, almost half of the comments are rave, the others speaking of “embarrassment”. The exercise is risky, and we feel from the first minutes that this type of emission is not in our DNA. To compensate for this inheritance lack, “the late with Alain Chabat” is counting on important means – we feel that there are many people in writing – and on another inheritance, that of dummies and “the channel spirit “, which is diffuse in the show without anyone feeling like a resumed.
On the set follow one another, rather “premium” guests (Jean Dujardin and Jean-Pascal Zadi, then Orelsan and Jamel Debbouze in the next issue), funny cameos (Vincent Dedienne and Sandrine Kiberlain in the public), Interludes danced and false advertisements … all ambiancé by a quality “house” orchestra which recalls the big hours of “nowhere else”. Besides, the first program ended with the passage of the British group very in sight Wet Leg, who came to sing his long chair tube in front of an attractive audience.
Precautionary, Alain Chabat arises the “News” part, which is generally the object across the Atlantic of a short monologue at the start of the program, being satisfied with some jokes on the darkness of the time – ” When we see a glow at the end of the tunnel, sometimes it is a train that rushes us ” – and a spike targeting Qatar, host country of the Football World Cup.
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