After four and a half years of development published the release of a two-panel file manager Krusader 2.8.0 , built using QT, KDE technologies and KDE Frameworks libraries. KRUSADER has archives support (ACE, Arj, Bzip2, Gzip, ISO, LHA, RAR, RPM, TAR, ZIP, 7ZIP), checks of control amounts (MD5, Sha1, SHA256-512, CRC, etc.), circulation To external resources (FTP, Samba, SFTP, SCP) and the functions of mass renaming in the mask. There are built -in manager for mounting sections, terminal emulator, text editor and viewer of the contents of files. The interface supports tabs, bookmarks, tools for comparing and synchronizing the contents of catalogs. The code is written in C ++ and spreads under the license gplv2.
The main changes :
- The menu adds the possibility of re -opening the recently closed tabs and quick cancellation of the tab of the tab.
- In the active panel, the possibility of reflecting the working catalog used in the built -in terminal.
- When renaming files, a function of cyclic isolation of parts of the file name is provided.
- Added the opening modes for a new tab after the current tab or at the end of the list.
- Added ups for expanding tabs (“Expanding Tabs”) and closing the tabs with a double click (“Close Tab by Double Click”).
- Added settings to change the front plan colors and the background of the field used for renaming.
- Added configuration for the choice of behavior for the “New Tab” button (creating a new tab or duplication of current).
- Added the possibility of resetting the file selecting a simple mouse click.
- Added options for hiding excess elements from the Media menu.
- In various dialogs, it is possible to remove elements from the history of input when using a combination of Shift+Del.
- In the “New Folder …” dialogue, the history of work with catalogs and the output of the catalog named after the catalog is ensured.
- Added the ability to duplicate the active tab when clicking with a mouse with a closed key Ctrl or Alt.
- more than 60 errors have been fixed, including the problems manifested when changing catalogs, selecting files and working with archives or ISO files.