An interdepartmental committee took place, Monday, November 21, to take stock of the various projects launched concerning minors.
by Solène Cordier
A special ministers’ council, to which is invited a group of around twenty young people from child protection called to make proposals on several themes (school, handicap, environment, digital, access to the culture and sport), followed by an inter -ministerial committee dedicated to childhood bringing together a dozen ministers and secretaries of state. And to direct the entire sequence, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.
The government hears, on Monday, November 21, the day after the International Day of Children’s Rights, displayed that “childhood is the priority of the five -year term”, and unroll the roadmap of each ministry in the matters, whether it is the fight against violence and cyberbullying, guidelines for child protection, difficulties encountered by the early childhood sector, equal opportunities …
Most of these “sites” started under the previous five -year term. This is the case, for example, of the contractualization approach on child protection, one of the pillars of the partnership between the State and the departments, launched in 2020 to remedy the persistent failures of the sector. Ninety-seven departments have already subscribed to this pact, according to the State Secretariat for Childhood, which is based on state financial assistance in exchange for commitments from the departments in favor of the young people entrusted to it . An additional envelope, of the order of 140 million euros over two years, will be devoted to it.
The verification of the judicial history of persons exercising in contact with children, provided for by the law of February 7, 2022, or the best care of protected children with disabilities, recalled on this occasion, are also part of the continuity of the action carried out so far.
Creation of a specialized police office
Another burning subject on which the government wants to show its voluntarism: the fight against sexual violence and incest, which affect 160,000 children each year. Here too, government action is in line with the previous mandate, during which the independent commission on incest and sexual violence was made to children (CIIVISE), responsible for guiding public policies was notably. On this subject.
Two announcements were made at the end of this inter -ministerial childhood committee. The first consists of the creation of a police office specializing in the treatment of violence against minors. From January, he will be responsible for “coordinating the actions of the police and gendarmerie” and “investigating the most serious facts”, concerning online pedocrime and (sexual) violence against children, announces Matignon . Seventy agents must devote themselves to it “term”.
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