Energy crisis, mounted of tensions, relations with the State … The investigation carried out by the observatory of local democracy and CEVIPOF draws up a dark picture of the state of mind of elected officials.
by Benoît Floc’h
Tensions accumulate for mayors. This is revealed by the survey carried out by the Center for Political Research of Sciences Po (Cevipof) for the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), of which MO12345lemonde delivers the results. Sent to 34,950 mayors of the country, entered online from October 7 to November 8, it received 3,696 complete answers (4,654 with partial forms), and is representative of French municipalities, indicates Cevipof, even if a little less mayors of very large cities responded.
Of course, the tension on energy prices, which considerably increases the bills of many communities, worries the mayors a lot: 35 % of them declare themselves very concerned and 42 % concerned. Admittedly, they recognize that the financial situation of their municipality is healthy (29.8 %) or rather healthy (48.3 %). But this assessment is much less positive than before, highlighting a gradual degradation since 2019. The rates were then 49.2 % and 39.6 % respectively. Besides, today, 4.4 % even consider the situation of their finances.
To cope, mayors plan to reduce the intensity or amplitude of public lighting (84 %), heating in public buildings (78 %), to turn off the lighting at night (70 %) or reduce Christmas decorations (64 %). And, for the municipalities concerned (half of the respondents), to lower the heating of sports facilities (86 %).
On the other hand, if half of the elected officials interviewed will cut in the purchase of supplies and services, it is possible to increase local taxes only for a minority of them (18 %). And only 15 % plan to help the most weakened households. Perhaps they consider that state devices already provide for it.
democratic tension
One of the consequences of this crisis is that it tends to hinder mayors in their desire to conduct the energy transition: 42.7 % declare, in fact, that they will not be able to accelerate their projects for lack of means.
Another source of concern, and not the least: democratic tension. “Like several well -installed democracies, notes Martial Foucault, professor and director of Cevipof, France has been experiencing an acceleration of violent political debates for several years where the repeated irruption of controversies and the culture of the clash amplified by the power of social networks have strengthened the polarization of political opinions. “
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