An online counter opens on Saturday for invoices in September and October. The total envelope reaches 10 billion euros.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The new assistance window for payment of energy bills intended for companies opened, Saturday, November 19, for the months of September and October 2022 on the site . The device, detailed by the Parisian , was simplified compared to the previous version, too complex, which had been very little used: only 12 million euros had been distributed on an envelope of 3 billion, specifies the daily. The government had already announced, on October 27, new aids to support companies, with a total envelope of around 10 billion euros.
“All companies will be protected”
“All companies will be protected, intermediate-size companies, energy-intensive …” respecting European competition rules, assured the Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire on Saturday on France Inter specifying the operation of this new single window.
All companies can benefit from the payment of electricity bills up to 4 million euros until December 31, 2022, recalled Bercy. To benefit from these aids, “the price of energy during the period of assistance request (September and/or October 2022) must have increased by 50 % compared to the average price paid in 2021” and energy expenditure During the period must “represent more than 3 % of turnover 2021”. The formalities are limited to the supply of invoices of the periods indicated.
Reinforced aids of up to 50 million euros for very energy consuming companies, or even 150 million for those working internationally, must be placed at the end of November.
funding thanks to the energy tax
At the same time, the “electricity shock absorber” system will come into force on 1 er 2023. It aims to ensure that the State will take care of the 2023 invoice of small and very Small businesses, but also local authorities, hospitals, universities and associations, which do not have access to the price shield. This system will not “require any file,” said the government.
Bercy also recalls in a press release that the taxation on electricity (ICFF) was lowered to its legal minimum for all businesses, a measure cost 8.4 billion euros in 2022 and 2023, and that Professionals can benefit from regulated access to historic nuclear electricity (ARENH), which guarantees a fixed price of electricity.