Discussions between countries are continuing in Charm El-Cheikh, where the conference against global warming officially ended on Friday.
MO12345LEMONDE With Reuters
The negotiators endeavored, Saturday, November 19, to find a consensus to reach an agreement at COP27, in Charm el-Cheikh, Egypt, despite the many disagreements that persist. The outcome of the conference, which was to officially end on Friday, is considered a world determination test to fight climate change while war in Europe and rampant inflation affecting consumers divert international attention.
A new obstacle stood up with the positive result of the COVVI-19 screening test suffered by the American negotiator John Kerry. The President of the Conference of Parties (COP), the Egyptian Sameh Choukri, called this week the negotiators to redouble their efforts to overcome their differences while the poor countries criticized the project, which does not respond to them to The key question of the financing of “losses and damage”, the funding that the most vulnerable countries need to compensate for economic losses and irreparable damage linked to climatic disruption.
The final agreement presented Thursday by the United Nations reaffirms the objective of limiting warming to 1.5 ° C held last year COP26 in Glasgow. He also calls on signatory countries to “accelerate measures to gradually reduce coal -based electricity production and gradually eliminate and rationalize ineffective public aid with fossil fuels”. He therefore does not formally ask to put an end to the use of fossil fuels, as requested by India and the European Union.
The text “salutes” also the fact that the delegates opened discussions on the creation of a fund dedicated to losses and damage, but it gives no details on the subject. The most vulnerable countries make the launch of this fund a priority, but some rich countries fear that an agreement on the subject will oblige them to assume financial responsibilities of their contribution made to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the ‘atmosphere.