Negotiations have been upset for several days on the funding by rich countries of global warming suffered by poor countries.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The COP27 will play extensions until Saturday, for final negotiations in order to get out of the deadlock on the funding by the rich countries of the damage due to warming suffered by poor countries and on the reaffirmation of climatic ambitions .
“I am always concerned about the number of unresolved questions, in particular on finances, attenuation [greenhouse gas emissions], losses and damage” caused by climate change, launched the ‘Egyptian Sameh Choukri, President of the Conference of the Parties, addressing the delegates gathered in plenary session in Charm El-Cheikh. The Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs therefore announced the extension of a COP day, which was to be completed on Friday. He invited the delegates to “go up a gear” and to “cooperate to resolve the outstanding questions as quickly as possible”.
The work of the conference, which opened on November 6, have been uphill for several days on the same questions, and, under the cover of anonymity, delegates have multiplied criticism on the conduct of negotiations by the presidency, But on one of the files at least, that of losses and damage, a compromise seems to be emerging.
response funds
The year 2022 was punctuated by disasters due to climate change such as overlapping, droughts and megafeous. Rich countries were for years very reluctant to the idea of specific funding, but late Thursday the European Union accepted the principle of a “response fund to losses and damage”, accompanied by conditions, for example that ‘It is reserved for “most vulnerable” and that it has an “expanded contributor base” – in other words, emerging countries with significant means like China.
A similar option appears in a resolution project put into circulation Thursday evening late by the facilitators of this file. The Pakistani climate minister of climate change, Sherry Rehman, an exercise president of the powerful G77 negotiation group associated with China, judged this acceptable option on Friday “with some changes”. It remains to know the opinion of China and the United States, respectively first and second world polluters.
“Hour of Truth”
“It’s time of truth,” said Rachel Cleetus, chief economist of the American NGO Union of CONSEILS: “China and the United States can unlock this dossier in last twenty-four hours. “” This is our final offer, “insisted the vice-president of the European Commission Frans Timmermans on Friday morning:” In any negotiation, if you take steps forward and the other party does not not move, at one point it’s over. “
All these financial discussions take place in a context of great distrust, rich countries have never kept their 2009 commitment to bring to $ 100 billion per year funding for developing countries for adaptation to climate change and emissions. The Egyptian presidency published a new final text project on Friday morning.
In another delicate chapter, the increased reduction in emissions responsible for warming, the new text reaffirms the resolution “to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperatures to 1.5 ° C”, clearly referring to the objectives of ‘Paris Agreement.
Angular stone of the fight against climate change, this 2015 agreement aims to limit global warming “clearly below 2 ° C” compared to the pre -industrial era, and if possible at 1.5 ° C, but current commitments are far from making this objective. According to UN analyzes, they make it possible to limit warming to 2.4 ° C at best at the end of the century.