If elected officials have not found a consensus on the question of the existence of a mafia strictly speaking, they agree on the observation of a crime that plagues the economy and the island society.
by Yves Bordenave (Ajaccio, Special Envoy)
Corsica is plagued by “mafia drifts”. This assertion does not emerge from a note from the intelligence services, but from an observation drawn up by the Corsican Assembly, gathered in extraordinary session Friday, November 18, in Ajaccio. At the end of a long day of debate, a motion was adopted by the majority of elected nationalists. Deploring the absence of reference to political violence in the text, the right did not vote it.
“A session as necessary as it is difficult,” said the president of the Assembly, Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis. “Difficult, because the main subject relates to criminal violence, too often to death and always to fear, she explained. We are gathered to debate mafia drifts, because yes, there is in Corsica a Corsica Froke that prevents others from prospering and expressing themselves. “From there to name the mafia and to denounce a mafia system, like what Italian regions know like Sicily with Cosa Nostra, Naples with the Camorra or Calabria with the ‘Ndrangheta, there is a step that the island elected officials, at the forefront of which the president of the Corsican executive, Gilles Simeoni, do not wish to cross. “Mafia or not? There is no consensus on this term,” said M me maupertuis.
For the third time in its history in the space of forty years, the Assembly of Corsica has debated a scourge which – named or not – gangrene the Corsican society and poisons the island. The last time the island elected officials had seized this issue was ten years ago, under the presidency of the Communist Dominique Bucchini. At the time, there was not yet a question of “mafia drifts” but of an alarming rise in violence and a constant increase in the number of assassinations.
the “share of Shadow “of Corsica
In ten years, the situation has evolved. But not in the sense envisaged by Corsican officials, both political and administent. She worsened. Until about ten years ago, specialists in the fight against crime organized in Corsica counted at most half a dozen criminal teams whose activity weighed. In a note made this summer, the national police department now lists the existence of twenty-five organized bands. They do not all have the same nuisance capacity, but they establish a criminogenic climate. To the traditional and feared teams of which many members have been killed or are in prison – the heirs or what remains of it, the sea breeze, the Ajacciens of the small bar or the shepherds of Venzolasca – are now added These new bands.
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