Since the beginning of the year, 138 convicts have been executed, in particular for drug trafficking and terrorism.
Le Monde with AFP
Capital executions, notably for “terrorism” and “drug trafficking”, doubled in one year in Saudi Arabia, according to a count of the France-Presse agency (AFP). The Saudi news agency announced, Thursday, November 17, in the evening, the execution of a Jordanian national for amphetamines traffic, which brings the total to 138 since the start of the year.
In 2021, 69 convicted had been executed in the kingdom; In 2020, a sharp decline had been noted, with 27 killing; In 2019, 187 executions had been identified. Recently, two Pakistanis had been executed for heroin trafficking, a first for almost three years for this type of crimes, and, in March, the execution of 81 sentenced to death for acts of terrorism had raised a wave of indignation .
“striking intensification”
These executions “trample” the moratorium on the death penalty for drug -related offenses announced by the Saudi Human Rights Commission in January 2021, recalls Amnesty International in a Communiqué published on November 10. “This striking intensification of the use of the death penalty in the country this year reveals the true face that the Saudi authorities hide behind the alleged program of progressive reforms that they present in the world”, was indignant Diana Semaan, deputy director by Interim for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.
The Saudi authorities do not specify how the condemned are executed, but decapitation is the most common method. Absolute monarchy, Saudi Arabia has been equipped since 1992 with a fundamental law assimilated to a constitution based on Sharia law, Islamic law. In addition to terrorism and drug trafficking, homicide, rape, armed attacks, witchcraft, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality and apostasy are liable to capital pain.