The French are already assured of first place in their group. They extended their invincibility in the competition by largely dominating Spain on Wednesday.
Le Monde with AFP
In the semi-final of Euro 2022 in handball, scheduled for Friday, the French inherited from the Norwegians, tamed by the Danes (31-20) Wednesday November 16 in Ljubljana on the last day of the main round. The French Olympic champions will thus face those who had beaten them during the Euro 2020 and the World 2021 finals. The other semi-final will oppose Denmark and Montenegro.
In the meantime, already qualified and assured of the first place of their group, the Bleues extended their invincibility in this European championship by largely dominating Spain (36-23) in Skopje. A meeting against a Roja already eliminated, without the slightest stake, except to demonstrate which height hovers the blue, who flew over their six games of the tournament, during which they were not carried out.
The interest was rather on the Scandinavian face-to-face to almost a thousand kilometers, in Ljubljana. The names of the possible opponents of the French women striped as the results of the last day of the main round fell, until the Norway-Danemark shock remains.
frames preserved French
The two teams had already qualified at the start, but had every reason to want to win to avoid being then faced with the Olympic champions in the semi-finals. Proof of this is the number of rough duels at the end of the match which could leave traces. In Scandinavian cages, the duel at a distance has turned to the disadvantage of Sandra Toft in the face of stainless Katrine Lunde (42).
On the contrary, before flying to Ljubljana on Thursday morning, the Bleues saved themselves. As he had announced, coach Olivier Krumbholz has preserved his players most solicited since the start of the tournament: the pivot Pauletta Foppa, goalkeeper Cleopatra Darleux and back Laura Flippes. Conversely, he launched the third goalkeeper Camille Depuiset and the young semi-center Léna Grandveau (19), who each played their first minutes in a large international tournament.