Among the people placed in police custody by the Central Office for the Repression of Violence to People, the youngest suspect is 26 years old; The oldest, 79 years old.
Le Monde with AFP
The judicial police led, during the week of Wednesday, November 16, a large-scale operation in France to arrest forty-eight men suspected of having downloaded and consulted massively photos and pornographic videos featuring children, according to The France-Presse agency, which cites a source close to the file.
The operation, coordinated by the Central Office for the Suppression of Violence to Persons, has mobilized several judicial police services in mainland France, explained this source, confirming A a Information from Franceinfo .
local elected officials among the arrested
Among those placed in police custody, the youngest is 26 years old, and the oldest is 79 years old. “There is no standard profile: unemployed, retirees, people who work,” according to the source contacted by the France-Presse agency. Local elected officials are among the arrested. According to Franceinfo, who quotes another police source evoking “particularly violent” content, are also concerned with people working in contact with young minors.
For the time being, these men are suspected of consumption of “illegal content of minors”, but the police custody, carried out under the authority of several parquets, will have to determine if they have committed “more serious things” , as sexual assault or rape, it was said of the same source.