The Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition, Jean-Noël Barrot, announced on Wednesday several measures aimed at protecting SMEs, communities and the general public in the face of the resurgence of cyber attacks.
Le Monde with AFP
Thirty million euros: this is the amount of the envelope announced Wednesday, November 16 by the Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition, Jean-Noël Barrot, who aims to finance a series of measures whose objective is the Creation of a “cyber shield” in France, at the destination, among others, of SMEs and communities.
“We want to strengthen these SMEs-ETIs [intermediate size company] which, because they are too small to have Cyber experts internally, can represent a weak link and during an attack contaminating their stakeholders , customers or suppliers, “said Barrot at a press conference, on the occasion of the European Cyber Week, which takes place this week in Rennes. This plan of 30 million euros for the year 2023, which is added to the 20 million euros announced after the attack having targeted the hospital of Corbeil-Essonnes this summer, includes several components.
First of all, an “antiarnaque filter” will be offered for free for the general public. This can be installed on the browser or on a smartphone in order to constitute a “protection in the first approach”. The launch of the beta version of this tool is planned for the summer of 2023; and its more general availability, for 2024.
The Minister also mentioned at the end of October the work on the launch of a “cyberscore”, with the aim of informing Internet users about the level of security of services and sites they use . Coming from a parliamentary proposal, this “cyberscore” is still under study, but the ministry hopes for its launch for the end of 2023.
secure companies
For companies, a free autodiagnostic tool will be developed and will be available in the course of 2023. In addition, for 750 SMEs and ETIs from the strategic sectors defined by the European Directive Nis2, the “Cyber shield plan “will offer an audit and an implementation of solutions and training.