The proposal defended by the elected official La France Insoumise Aymeric Caron, who divides the parties represented in the Assembly, underwent a first setback during his examination in the Law Commission.
By Mathilde Gérard
The bill aimed at abolishing corrida, carried by rebellious France (LFI), promised inflamed debates. For the first stage of its parliamentary examination, its passage in the law committee on Wednesday, November 16, it is in an electric atmosphere that the text was mainly rejected by the members of the committee. The subject divides up to the very part of the parties, several training courses, including Renaissance, Socialist and related groups and national rally (RN), having granted freedom to vote to their elected officials.
After the adoption of deletion amendments emanating from deputies Les Républicains (LR) and RN, the rapporteur of the text, the elected official of Paris Aymeric Caron, denounced a “terrible signal sent to the French, explaining to them that You make fun of what they want. ” On several occasions, elected officials defending the abolition of bullfighting have cited opinion surveys showing that 8 to 9 French out of 10 are favorable to the prohibition of this practice (in cities of Taurine tradition, attachment to the Corrida predominates, but even in these territories, an Ifop survey of June 2022 had shown that a majority of inhabitants, 61 %, wanted the end of the killing of the bull).
In the law committee, the deputies recalled that article 521-1 of the penal code prohibits any act of cruelty on animals held by man and that it is only a derogation that bullfighting is Authorized in around fifty cities in the south of France, in the name of an “uninterrupted local tradition”. For Aymeric Caron and the elected officials of rebellious France, the challenge is to put an end to this exceptional regime and enforce the penal code throughout the national territory.
“symbol measure”
But much more than on the treatment of bulls in the arenas, the debates focused on the defense of a cultural heritage and regional traditions. “Do we want a monochrome France or a plural France, respectful of its history and its traditions?” Asked the Renaissance deputy Marie Lebec (Yvelines). On several occasions, elected officials of the majority, right and extreme right have denounced the personality of the author of this bill, the former journalist Aymeric Caron, who detailed his anti -Pécist thought over several essays and positions.
“From the top of your Paris district, you come to give us moral,” lambasted Anne-Laure Blin, MP LR of Maine-et-Loire. For Timothée Houssin (RN, Eure), “the abolition of corrida is the first step of an extremist anti -Pécist agenda”. “I confirm it to you, I am an antispecist and I do not hide it, replied Aymeric Caron. But I am in this assembly to defend the program for which I was elected, which is the program of France Insoumise and of the clouds. There is no ambiguity. “
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