The government said on Tuesday that it “asked [we stop] any deployment” of Microsoft and Google tools, omnipresent in French classes. The concern is growing in terms of digital sovereignty and personal data protection.
by Aurélien Defer
“Nothing was ready but we all done the best.” History-geography professor in college and high school in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines), Gwenaëlle Deborde recalls with bitterness the months of confinement and distance courses of the year 2020. In the absence of a clear instructions on digital on the part of his hierarchy and face “the unsuitable work tools” offered by her academy, she admits having turned to services American private, like Zoom and Google Drive, “Viable alternative for lack of alternative”.
While the question of the protection of personal data is gradually imposed in the public debate and the government has for the first time in its ranks a minister delegate for digital sovereignty, the COVVI-19 crisis has highlighted the omnipresence in the classes of large private American groups, Microsoft and Google in mind. In a response published Tuesday November 15 Official Journal , the Ministry of National Education has also assured having, in connection with the academies, “asked to stop any deployment or extension” of the tools of the two American giants in the classes. Without however extending on any deadline.
Libriste reversal to the ministry
Named at the head of the Digital Directorate for Education (DNE), Audran Le Baron, former Bercy, took its districts in June 2021 on rue de Grenelle. His arrival was precipitated by what he calls a “trauma of the institution”, which occurred two months earlier: while a third confinement announced, the servers of the National Distance Education Center (CNED) and Some digital work environments do not face the influx of students and teachers, causing major breakdowns.
If his primary mission is to avoid reproducing this kind of technical concern, Mr. Le Baron is also closely interested in the tools of the GAFAM, “taken in rescue solution on the ground”. Within a ministry that has in the past pact more than once with the big group of Microsoft Tech , the top Officer today wishes to embody an educational digital “free, sovereign, compatible with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)” by redirecting establishments to tools provided by the State: “We must work on an offer At the same time credible, readable and seamless. From the moment she is there, there will be fewer debates. “He notably recruited Alexis Kauffmann, co -founder of the Framasoft network, who has been campaigning since 2001 for the promotion of software free.
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