Lula, who will take office on January 1, has promised a “zero deforestation”. He must pronounce at the end of the afternoon a long-awaited speech at Charm el-Cheikh.
Le Monde with AFP
The future Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, proposed Wednesday to organize the World Climate Conference in 2025 “in the Amazon”, whose forest is essential for the balance of the climate and the preservation of the Biodiversity.
“We are going to speak to the UN secretary general and ask him that the COP30 takes place in the Amazon,” Lula, who performs the COP27 of Charm El-Cheikh, in Egypt, said his first trip to the ‘ foreigner since his election, at the end of October. “Brazil should not be isolated” on the international scene, he stressed, evoking the mandate of its far-right predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, banching the international community, in particular due to an increase massive deforestation.
lula, who will take office on the 1 er January, has promised a “zero deforestation”. He had to pronounce a long-awaited speech at Charm el-Cheikh at the end of the afternoon. He met John Kerry, Special Emisire of the United States for the climate on Tuesday evening, who promised to work “assiduously in order to achieve this objective (preservation of the Amazon) together”. He also spoke with the Chinese climate emissary. 2> “Strategic priority”
Tensions between China and the United States, which are in this order the first world worldwide gases (GHG), raised fears of a failure of climate negotiations, but the delegates present at the COP27, whose differences are deep, especially on financial issues, were reassured by the conclusions of the G20 summit, which has just ended in Bali.
The group’s member states, which represent 80 % of global GHG emissions, are committed to continuing their efforts to limit warming to 1.5 ° C, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, concluded in 2015. They Also pronounced for the reduction of “ineffective” subsidies to the exploitation of fossil fuels, responsible for warming. The American president, Joe Biden, and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, also promised after a long tête-à-tête to relaunch their cooperation on the climate.
The Amazonian tropical forest, 60 % of which is in Brazil, is the largest carbon well in the world. Under the effect of warming and deforestation, it is now very weakened and, according to a study published in March, it approaches faster than expected of a “rocking point” which could transform it into a savannah. His protection will be a “strategic priority” after Lula’s inauguration, has promised Charm El-Cheikh the former Brazilian Minister of the Environment Marina Silva, member of the team of the elected president who should find his functions.