After right -handed offensive this summer, “it’s whole different Darmanin that we find when approaching winter”

Two seasons, two atmospheres. We had left the impetuous Minister of the Interior to the hollow of a scorching summer, Immaculate White Shirt and Martial Declarations, under the Faré of the Prefect’s residence, in Mayotte, where he made a trip devoted to the fight against the illegal immigration. Gérald Darmanin, then in the middle of the right -handed offensive, multiplied the muscular announcements: assumed link between immigration and delinquency, suspension of soil law in Mayotte, creation of “recovery places” for very young delinquents, supervised by soldiers.

He had also just announced a bill on immigration, in particular intended to lift “all the legislative reservations preventing the expulsion of delinquent foreigners. In 2003, his mentor Nicolas Sarkozy had relaxed the “double penalty” (the expulsion of delinquent foreigners) in order to triangulate with the left. Twenty years later, Mr. Darmanin – who reproached Marine Le Pen to his “softness” during the presidential campaign – proposes to restore this measure, this time to triangulate with the right of the right, in the wake of the arrival of 89 deputies national rally in the assembly. “We no longer live in the same society,” defended Mr. Darmanin, this summer, before Le Monde, recalling that Mr. Sarkozy, when he was Minister of the Interior, had not known the Islamist attacks, nor The crisis in Afghanistan and Syria (Afghans are the first asylum seekers in France).

In the aftermath of his renewal in Beauvau, the Minister of the Interior – who acted a rightization of society – was clearly eager to embody the regalian leg of the government and the one who, uninhibited, says “the truth” To the French, without hesitation to be clever. At the risk of annoying in the alleys of power, where we judged this summer that “Gérald”, decidedly, always pushed the cap “too far”.

“I do politics”

Three months later, as winter approaches, it is a whole different Darmanin that we find in his office lined with old electoral posters (UNR and RPR). He has just announced, on November 10, that France welcomed the Ocean-Viking and its 234 migrants, criticizing Italy in passing for its “inhumanity”. And pleaded a few days earlier, by revealing the content of his Immigration Bill, for the creation of a residence permit “Trades in tension” aimed at recruiting in the sectors in shortage of labor . A counter -employment sequence that made the right scream, dreading – in both cases – an “air call”. Like the boss of the Senators Les Républicains (LR), Bruno Retailleau, who now accuses Mr. Darmanin of having become “the Minister of Regulating” rather than being that of “migratory firmness”. “By changing your tone, he blurs this image of” hard “anxious to respond to the concerns of the French he was installing,” observes, for his part, the LR deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti.

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/Media reports.