Mayors from all sides call for general mobilization for homeless children

Forty-three elected officials of major cities send an open letter to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, so that the promise of accommodating or hosting the 2,000 children on the street is concretized with their family.

by claire ane

“Winter is coming, and we see, in our big cities, an unbearable number of families with children on the street. It is the responsibility of the State to find them perennial solutions”, calls The mayor (ex-Republicans) of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc. He co -signs an open letter, Tuesday, November 15, to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, with 42 other mayors of major cities of various political sensitivities, from the Communist Party to the Republicans via the presidential majority.

The mail, carried by the France Urban Association, “takes note” of the engagement of the Minister Delegate for Housing, Olivier Klein, to “no longer have any children on the street this winter”, and to renounce the 14 000 removal of emergency accommodation places provided for in the 2023 finance bill. But the signatories “remain very worried” and ask “emergency measures for the specific shelter of these children and these families “.

At the end of October, 2,000 children were on the street each night, twice as in January, according to a counting of emergency accommodation requests not provided with 115. The sign of saturation of the system, although the government has brought, since the health crisis, the total number of places to 200,000. “In my election in 2014, I committed myself to that no child sleeps outside. Despite 950 people hosted each evening by the city, I can no longer hold this objective, deplores the socialist mayor of Rennes, Nathalie Appéré. We were able to mobilize for the reception of Ukrainian refugees; we must be able to do it for children at the Street. “

The councilor is delighted with the “humanist awakening” in progress, with citizens occupying schools, at night, to offer hospitality to families of homeless students. In Rennes, three schools and a college are affected. In the Lyon metropolis, ten establishments are already occupied. Member of the collective never without roof, founded in 2014, Raphaël Vulliez is a regular on this mode of action. However, he had never observed such engorgement of the local reception system. “We have identified 250 children on the street with their family. Among them, there are around thirty children under 3 and a dozen parents with serious health problems, while in previous years, these profiles were quickly hosted. “

” it’s untenable “

In Grenoble, a second school joined the Malherbe school on Tuesday, whose occupation started on October 10, thanks to around forty parents of students, teachers and neighbors. “It is hard to bear that our children’s classmates are on the street,” says Laure Bonnel. Its collective, linked to the Education Sans Frontières network, which aims to obtain the regularization of undertakings, also benefited from the advice and the “roofing” (practical mobilization guide) of the network of assistance to the students without roof, created end August on the initiative of the collective of United Associations, the Federation of Parents of FCPE students and never without roof.

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