Four other Israelis were seriously injured during this assault, the author of which was killed. No claim has been made but Hamas speaks of a “heroic” act.
Le Monde with AP and AFP
Two Israelis died and four others were seriously injured, Tuesday, November 15, in a “knife attack”, the author of which was also killed, near the Jewish colony of Ariel, in the north of The occupied West Bank report the Israeli army and the emergency services.
No claim has been made but a Hamas spokesman spoke of a “heroic” act. According to the Israeli army, the aggressor first acted at the entrance to the industrial zone of the colony, one of the most important in the West Bank, then went to a gas station, where he did other victims. He then stole a car with which he intentionally caused an accident, before fleeing on foot. He was killed while the Israeli forces were looking for other suspects in the sector, specifies their staff.
The Ministry of Sant Palestinian then confirmed the death of the aggressor. Appointed Mohammad Souf, he was 18 years old and lived in the neighboring village of Hares, he said. Israeli Prime Minister Yaïr Lapid sent his condolences to the families of the victims and promised to fight “tireless terrorism and with all its strength”. “Our security services work twenty-four hours a day to protect Israeli citizens and harm terrorist infrastructures everywhere, all the time,” he said.
After a series of attacks in March and April, the Israeli army led more than 2,000 operations in the West Bank, notably in Jenine and Nablouse, in the north of the territory. The clashes and reprisals they caused cost the life of 25 Israelis and more than 130 Palestinians, which made 2022 one of the deadliest years since the second intifada, in 2005.