In great difficulty, the private group of retirement homes presented on Tuesday a “refoundation plan”. It provides for financial restructuring, as well as improving the care of residents and working conditions of employees.
by Béatrice Jérôme
“In a few days or at the latest by the end of the year, we will be set.” The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations did not hide, Monday, November 14, its intention to enter the capital d’Orpea. The public financial institution of rue de Lille in Paris has been working for several months for a rescue scenario of the commercial operator commercial of retirement homes and private clinics. Since the revelations of the book by Victor Castanet, the gravediggers (Fayard, 400 pages, 22.90 euros), on the financial manipulations of its former leaders, Orpea saw its action on the stock market. Its debt peaks at 9.3 billion euros. The new leaders say they are unable to reimburse the loans to the dates they themselves set.
On the edge of the financial chasm, the company is however judged by the State “Too Big to Fail” – too large to disappear -, according to a senior official, good connoisseur of the file. The commercial private sector manages 25 % of EHPAD beds in France. It meets a need for care that the public or associative sectors could not supplement. Difficult therefore not to save the soldier Orpea…
Officially, the government did not give any instructions to the Caisse des Dépôts to intervene, but the institution never acts without the green light from the executive. Rue de Lille, the message is clear: “It is a question of going there under certain conditions: having the guarantee that we will obtain a complete change in past practices and ensure that the company will no longer be in a search for Profit to allids “, we slip within the Caisse des Dépôts.
” Drastic financial restructuring “
The new managers of Orpea bet, on their side, on its entry to capital to reassure the banks and private investors. But obtaining that the Caisse des Dépôts participates in the Tour de Table implies being able to give it wages. Tuesday, November 15, the new managing director of Orpea, Laurent Guillot, was due to bring together all the creditors of the company to present them an “ambitious refoundation plan in the service of [its] main mission, take care of the most fragile people “, He assured, in a press release published in the morning.
m. Guillot intends to demonstrate that he is able to greatly improve the quality of residents’ management. The “refoundation plan” plans to lower the number of accidents at work, to increase training offers, some of which dedicated “to ethics and good treatment”.
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