The company brutally put an end to the contract of several thousand providers, mainly of moderators.
Le Monde
Twitter cut the contracts of several thousand providers during the weekend, a new savings plan that should have significant consequences on its technical infrastructure and especially on its moderation capacities. According to Information of the specialized media Protocol , The company ended contracts of 4,400 providers, out of a total of 5,500.
According to The testimonies collected by the American press , these new cuts were particularly brutal. The Twitter teams were not informed of the imminence of these posts; Part of the providers concerned were not warned that their contract was deleted, and they discovered that they were dismissed when access to their work tools was suddenly cut.
Twitter did not comment on this information – the company dismissed all of its communication service shortly after taking control of Elon Musk.
very limited moderation capacities
A significant part of these positions of positions concerns technical providers, but also the moderation services of the social network. The vast majority of Twitter moderators work, as providers, most often on behalf of companies specializing in the management of call or moderation centers. In 2021, Twitter had been forced to make the number of its moderators public: less than 2,000 people for the whole world.