In “Touche pas à mon poste”, Thursday, November 10, the host of C8 violently attacked the deputy “rebellious” Louis Boyard, former columnist of the program. Arch is seized.
by Aude Dassonville and Sandrine Cassini
“Species of stupid”, “Far your mouth”, “you’re a shit”, “calm down”, “Shut up”, “you are a nase”, “go, bare yourself “. Cornered by the injunctions and insults of Cyril Hanouna, who was supported by an audience heated to white, the deputy La France Insoumise (LFI) Louis Boyard had to leave, Thursday, November 10, the set of “Touche pas à mon Post “(” TPMP “), on C8. A sequence that immediately ignited Twitter, where the keywords #hanounagroscon and #soutienlouisboyard, but also the name of Raquel Garrido, “rebellious” deputy that the host prevailed to have “every day on the phone”, was still, on Friday at the end of the day, among the most frequently used.
Denouncing “an attempted intimidation” and “methods of censorship”, Louis Boyard announced, Friday afternoon, asking “our National Assembly the opening of a commission of inquiry (…) on the Bolloré interference in our media, and therefore on “TPMP” “. For her part, the president of the LFI-NUPE parliamentary group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, seized the Arch (ex-CSA).
Invited to evoke the fate of migrants from the humanitarian ship Ocean-Viking, Louis Boyard, who was a columnist for the show in the past, began a demonstration on “the impoverishment of Africa” including, among “the five People who have as much as 27 million people “, billionaire Vincent Bolloré, when a unleashing of hostility swept over him. “You know that you are in the Canal group, here?”, The animator arrested him, boasting for his part of “not spitting in the hand which [the] nourishes”. In other words, the Bolloré family.
Officially retired since February 2022, but still the first shareholder of the Vivendi group, Vincent Bolloré propelled Cyril Hanouna by signing a golden contract in 2015, extended this year until 2026 for 35 million euros per year. Mr. Hanouna does not hide her proximity with Yannick Bolloré, the son, who became president of the group’s supervisory board this year.
“There is no magic solution”
This violence has reactivated, among “rebellious”, the question of the usefulness of going to these channels. “The boycott is effective only if it allows you to change things, considers the MP for Bouches -du -Rhône Manuel Bompard. You are in a political battle, people – young people – who watch the program are not people Who listen to a morning. It is sometimes the only place where you manage to bring a little politics. “His colleague from Seine-Saint-Denis Clémentine Autain, who decided for herself not to answer the invitations, summarizes The dilemma: “We must arbitrate between going to channels that participate in a climate conducive to the far right, and deprive yourself of millions of viewers.”
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