The fire was opened during the night of Thursday to Friday in Rivière-Salée, commune in the south of the West Indian island. According to the first elements of the survey, the path of the account settlement is privileged.
Le Monde with AFP
Nearly twenty-four hours later, the authors have still not been identified. During the night of Thursday, November 10 to Friday, November 11, at least eight people were injured, including three seriously, during a shooting occurred during a concert which brought together several hundred spectators in Rivière-Salée, in the south of Martinique.
According to the investigation and several testimonies, around twenty armed men landed on a motorcycle, hooded, before entering the reception room and opening the fire towards a man, injuring by bullet Several people nearby.
“According to the first elements of the investigation, it is not a mass killing, but rather a settling of accounts,” Colonel William Vaquette, said to the France-Presse agency, Commander of the Martinique gendarmerie.
Call for witnesses launched by the gendarmerie
After shooting the crowd, the armed group embarked on a chase with a motorist and opened fire on his car, without reaching it, added a source close to the file.
According to the gendarmes, other shots were reported a little upstream in the same evening, in another evening which was held in Rivière-Salée and which brought together 1,300 people. According to them, the two incidents would likely imply the same group. To identify the authors of the shooting, the gendarmes launched a call for witnesses.
Friday evening, a meeting was to be held between police and gendarmes around the prefect Jean-Christophe Bouvier in order to examine the means to be implemented to avoid [the rehearsal of] this kind of event “, said the representative of the State.
Fire -by -arms violence has grown sharply in Martinique in recent years. Since the beginning of the year, twenty-five homicides have been observed in the territory, including twenty by firearm.