Denouncing the “irresponsible” behavior of Italy, which refused to welcome the ship hosting 234 migrants, France “took responsibility”. The Italian Minister of the Interior denounces, him, an “incomprehensible reaction” of Paris.
by Claire Gatinois, Allan Kaval (Rome, correspondent), Philippe Jacqué (Brussels, European office ) and Julia Pascual
Until the “last minute”, the executive will have hoped that Italy respects international maritime law. In vain. Thursday, November 10 around noon, the humanitarian ship Ocean Viking, which has been heading for France for two days, was officially invited to land in the port of Toulon, permanently dismissing the hypothesis that Rome ends up hosting the NGO boat SOS Mediterranean. On board, the 234 migrants that the association rescued in the central Mediterranean, off Libya, between October 22 and 26.
Denouncing the “irresponsible” behavior of Rome and its “incomprehensible” choice not to act, Paris therefore “took its responsibilities” and argues its humanist face. The decision, announced by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, is fully assumed by Emmanuel Macron, in “first line” on the file, underlines an executive advisor.
In 2018, in an approaching scenario, which had seen Italy close its ports to SOS Méditerranée, the head of state had refused to welcome the humanitarian ship Aquarius. Spain had then left more than 600 migrants.
Conscious of hitting the right, with which Emmanuel Macron hopes to establish an alliance, and dreading to nourish the trials in angelism on the subject of immigration, the Minister of the Interior took care to recall some data: among the 234 passengers of the Viking Ocean, there were twenty sick people and 57 children, including “babies”, he said, evoking a decision taken “exceptional”, under a “duty of humanity “. Gérald Darmanin assured that people on board not falling under asylum would be the subject of “distance procedures”.
“an exceptional level of tension”
“We are very relieved of the outcome, confided Sophie Beau, the co -founder of SOS Mediterranean. Even if this solution has a bitter taste. It is the longest waiting period that we have known [three weeks] , in serious violation of maritime law. “
According to international standards, people survivor at sea must be landed in the nearest safe port. But the calls of the Viking Ocean in Rome remained a dead letter. Thursday, relations between Paris and Rome reached “an exceptional level of tension”, it is confided within the government. During the press point following the Council of Ministers, Darmanin spoke of “extremely strong consequences on the bilateral relationship”. “Italy was to welcome these people,” repeated the Minister of the Interior, evoking possible “legal suites”.
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