Association of Russian software for Russoft prepared a roadmap to support the export of Russian software. One of the proposals is the transition to cryptocurrency calculations. This is written by “Vedomosti” with reference to the document.
According to the Russoft document, in order to remove or reduce the restrictions with payment for transactions with foreign customers, as well as reduce the costs of such payments ”, it is necessary to introduce“ alternative payment decisions ”, as well as establish experimental legal regimes (EPR). RUSSOFT also proposed “to work out the mechanism for canceling foreign exchange control for IT companies” in order to support export according to.
The chairman of the Basalt SPO board of directors, Alexei Smirnov, believes that the use of cryptocurrencies in the calculations will not solve all the problems of exporting programs abroad, because software is done immediately either under the domestic or foreign market. In addition, according to him, cryptocurrencies are not yet available for the mass market, so such payments will not cause an increase in demand.
Among other measures, Roussoft offers until March 1, 2023 to develop a mechanism for counting an incoming VAT when exporting Russian IT services by analogy with export of goods.
The road map was sent to the Minzifres back in August 2022. But the discussion has stopped, since the card involves the allocation of additional funding in the form of various benefits, but now there is no such possibility.