Restrictions of the rights of CDDs and temporary workers refusing permanent contracts, governance … The senatorial majority does not intend to return to the measures it has adopted to harden the bill.
By Jérémie Lamothe and Thibaud Métais
The right camps on its positions. If the senatorial majority, composed of the Republicans (LR) and the Centrist Union (UC), hardened during its examination in the Senate the bill paving the way for unemployment insurance reform, it is not To let go of ballast during the joint joint committee (CMP), which is to take place on Wednesday November 9, she warns. With five members out of the fourteen who compose it – seven deputies and seven senators – she has as many parliamentarians as the presidential coalition.
Two weeks after Emmanuel Macron called on France 2 to “an alliance” with the right, notably evoking “labor reforms”, LR deputies and senators know each other in a position of force at the time of approach negotiations on this text. Especially since they share the general philosophy of this bill presented by the government as “the first step” to arrive at full employment – 5 % unemployment – by 2027. “Basically, that Go into the line that is ours, to restore work value, to make it faster of unemployment insurance to return to employment in a more restrictive way, “explains the deputy of the Vosges, Stéphane Viry (Lr).
therefore remains to agree with the presidential camp on the “cursors and the temporality” of the measures, explains the elected official. Faced with this step of two between the government and the right, the left is made to do figuration. “It is a dogmatic text intended to type on the unemployed and to harden the line of the majority to show that they are capable of working with the right”, tances the deputy of Calvados, Arthur Delaporte (Socialist Party), which deplores Having “had no contact with the government”.
“You must reaffirm the insurance nature of the system”
“I think the government has an interest in taking a step in our direction,” said the co-reporter of the bill in the Senate, Frédérique Puissat (LR). If discussions must continue on Tuesday, right-wing senators and centrists wish to keep in the final text the two measures they have adopted in public session, against the government’s opinion, restricting access to unemployment insurance employees in fixed -term contracts who refuse three permanent contracts “at least equivalent” remuneration in twelve months and to temporary workers from the first refusal. For Frédérique Puissat, “it is out of the question to let go” on these two points, because “it is necessary to reaffirm the insurance character of the system, which must protect people who are deprived of employment in an unintentionally”.
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