presented the release of a free documentation system gnu textinfo 7.0 , originally developed by Richard Stalman and used to prepare documentation for GNU projects. GNU Texinfo defines a special marking format for paperwork and allows you to convert the source document to various formats for publication and printing, for example, in PDF, HTML, DVI, Info, DocBook, XML, etc. The Texi2any utilities, which resolved problems with encodes, implement the options “-slatex” and “-“-“-“-“-“-“–Epub3” for the output in Latex and EPUB 3 formats, and support for the output in the HTML format is significantly improved. Added new teams @latax, @iflatex, @ifnotlatex for output in Latex format. In the Info utility improved support for records containing round brackets, and the release of the text with fat font of the text when displaying MAN pages.
Available GNU Texinfo 7.0 package
/Media reports.