“La Voix du Nord” could dismiss hundred employees

Intersyndicale (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT, FilPac-CGT and CFE-CGC) denounces “a social plan of unprecedented violence”.

by Aude Dassonville

“If we had been able to do this plan in 2021, it would have been more moderate.” This word of the CEO of La Voix du Nord, Michel Nozière, has the merit of transparency. Scheduled in 2021 but shifted due to simultaneity with the so -called printing plan (PRIM), a wave of large -scale departures is drawn to Lille (north). “We knew it was looming, but we didn’t think it would happen so quickly,” drops a union representative.

A hundred positions (out of 600 according to the unions, 660 according to management) could be concerned, including 70 at the editorial staff (which has 310 people). The intersyndicale (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT, FILPAC-CGT and CFE-CGC), which published a press release on November 7 to denounce these projects, evokes “a social plan of unprecedented violence”.

“This plan does not exclude constrained departures”

“In 2017, during the previous departure plan, 25 % of the workforce was concerned, explains one of the union representatives (132 positions had been suppressed, against 178 announced). It was a big bleeding, but Without a common measure with today because it was accompanied by an editorial project. This time, we are in a phase of destruction. “The number of editions, already from twenty to seventeen in 2020 because of the COVID -19 (and never restored later), would be brought back to thirteen.

The Calais office, however the largest city in Pas-de-Calais, would be closed, the local pages shared with those of the other daily life in the area, North Littoral, also owned by the Belgian group Rossel-“A Insult for the team in place and all the work done, “said the press release. Various services are promised to disappear (the “premedia” which had already failed to be engulfed in 2017, the reservation center, and part of the general services) and “for the first time, this plan does not exclude the forced departures” protests the inter -union. So many details that the CEO does not denume, but does not wish to detail, so as not to commit a delicto offense, before the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) of December 13.

“We are To the bone “

Last stumbling block, if not full rejection on the part of the intersyndicale: the project to create an internal “press agency” (as there is one at La Dépêche du Midi, in Nîmes). One way, she anticipates, to “outsource part of the editorial tasks”, and to hire future arrivals on less-food conditions. Seven positions could be created in the operation, without being able to claim to compensate for the decreases in workforce: “we are at the bone”, summarizes a journalist. “These are prenegotiations”, insists Michel Nozière, without advancing more.

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/Media reports.