Initial texts of Radioss engineering package are published

Altair, as part of the project Openradioss Opened source Texts Radioss package, which is an analogue ls-dyna and is designed to solve the problems of continuous media, such as a calculation of the strength of engineering structures in high -clown tasks associated with large plastic deformations of the studied environment. Code open gender license agplv3.

The tasks solved by the Problem include the problems of metal processing, leaf stamping, fast -flowing processes that require the presence of the equation of the state. Additionally, fluid and gas mechanics are supported in the classical Euler formulation, the approach of Lagrange Eyler and the method of smoothed particles. The difference between Openradioss and the commercial version of Radioss is currently in the absence of the ability to encrypt project files. As a post -processor, parade .

/Media reports.