The brand specializing in the furnishings of the house plans to settle on an old ArcelorMittal site in the hamlet of the slate, and could employ 250 to 500 people depending on the peaks of activity.
by Agathe Beaudouin (nîmes, correspondent)
In Laudun-l’Ardoise, a Gard city of 6,000 inhabitants located on the banks of the Rhône and accustomed to the assaults of the Mistral, rumbles the wind of anger. Distribution of leaflets, circulation of a petition … In recent days, the mobilization has grown against the project of a Gifi logistics platform in the hamlet of the slate, where 1,000 people live.
The brand specializing in the furnishings of the house plans to settle on the old site of the ArcelorMittal factory, inactive for eighteen years. An industrial wasteland where the leader in decoration (1,000 stores in France) could develop buildings on 120,000 square meters by 2024. This would allow the use of 250 to 500 people depending on the peaks of activity, according to Philippe Desmas, the agent of the group Philippe Ginestet (the founder of the brand), who came to present the project in March. The signing of the sales compromise between GIFI and the public land establishment must take place on Wednesday November 9.
On site, the Defense Committee of the Hameau de l’Ardoise has multiplied, for eighteen months, letters to local elected officials and the management of Gifi. The president, Dominique Griotto, hopes to make the file back down: “This project is not welcome here”, repeats this resident, who denounces “a real madness”. “This installation would generate the passage of 250 trucks between 7 am in the morning and noon, or 500 round trips, a few meters from our schools and our houses!”
“This project will improve an abandoned wasteland “
On several occasions, a few dozen inhabitants have mobilized to say no to the brand with the red logo. In its petition, the Committee is also concerned about pollution with ultrafine particles (PUF), the risk of accident, noise and the loss of the land value of riparian houses. Monday, November 7, the committee, whose petition reaches 250 signatures, plans to take action again with a distribution of leaflets. Contacted by Le Monde, the management of Gifi did not respond.
In April 2021, the agglomeration community of the Rhodanian Gard, on which the commune of Laudun-l’ardoise depends, had spoken out in favor of this project, without obtaining real support (44 abstentions, including the socialist president , Jean-Christian Rey, out of 73 elected officials). But the mayor (without label) of Laudun-l’ardoise, Yves Cazorla, is convinced: “One of our main concerns is employment. We have needs on our territory for little jobs graduates, and Gifi responds to this expectation. The opponents raise nuisance that we hear and to which we try to provide answers. “
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