The association for the employment of executives announces a slight rebound in the intentions of hiring of executives in the fourth quarter, but the recruitment difficulties remain at a record level.
By Jules Thomas
The labor market does not know (yet) the crisis, and this is all the more true for executives: this is the observation made by the Association for the employment of executives (APEC), which publishes its Barometer of the fourth quarter, Monday, November 7. Despite inflation and uncertainties linked to the energy crisis and the conflict in Ukraine, the employment of executives is even better than resisting, since recruitment intentions should start upwards.
These are 12 % of companies wishing to recruit at least one executive in the last three months of 2022, according to this study conducted, in September, with two representative samples, one of 1,000 companies in the private sector employing minus one framework, and the other of 2,000 executives: 62 % of large companies (8 % more than three months ago), 19 % of SMEs and 6 % of VSEs.
The third quarter assessment is just as positive, notes the APEC: 16 % of companies recruited at least one framework there, 5 points more than in the second quarter, and 6 points more than on the third quarter 2021. TPE-PMEs have even experienced record levels. The organization explains this lull by a relative withdrawal of the difficulties of supplying raw materials.
“Despite all the cyclical vagaries and some bents when the war in Ukraine declared, the market continues to resist, we also saw it with the number of job offers on the APEC site. fr: there is an increase of 16 % in the first three quarters, compared to the first three of 2019, adds Gaël Bouron, deputy manager of the Studies pole. We do not yet have, in France, an impact on employment slowdown in growth. “
As often since the resumption of the economy, good dynamics are however spoiled by the recruitment difficulties, which also have the summits since they concern 84 % of companies in search of executives. “We have the impression that these difficulties intensify, judges Gaël Bouron: recruitment is very difficult for 38 % of companies in the fourth quarter, against 29 % in March and 15 % in 2020-2021!”
APEC identifies three main sources of difficulties: a small number of applications received, an inadequacy between applications and profiles sought and competition between companies on certain profiles. This is the case, in mind, of the IT and research and development studies, where technical skills are very rare.
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