The deputies of the Alpes-Maritimes and the Lot, as well as the Senator of Vendée, are the three candidates for the presidency of the Republicans in December. They each placed their sponsorships at the party’s headquarters.
There are three on the starting line in this election for the presidency of the Les Républicains (LR) party which promises to be crucial for the future of the movement. Three to have gathered the 485 signatures of members and the support of at least ten parliamentarians, essential to submit their application. The first round of this internal suffrage will take place on December 3 and 4. In recent weeks, the number of members has jumped, going from 48,000 in June to 77,000, according to franceinfo . Among the contenders, the leader of the Les Républicains group in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, Eric Ciotti, and the Lot deputy, Aurélien Pradié. If the latter is increasingly publicized, he appears to be the outsider of this ballot.
Bruno Retailleau is the first to have given his sponsorships to the party headquarters, rue de Vaugirard, Monday October 10. He then had a hundred signatures of elected officials and a thousand supporters of members. Today, he has “several thousand”, according to Othman Nasrou, his campaign director, who does not intend to give the exact figures to “do not embark on a shallot race with the other candidates”. Aurélien Pradié obtained 5,521 sponsorships and continues to receive it. Surrounded by young LRs who accompanied him, Eric Ciotti deposited his 6,000 sponsorships on Wednesday November 2.
The Niçois has several dozen signatures of parliamentarians, far behind the number of Bruno Retailleau. But its hard line seems to be more popular among members. His advantage has a name, that of his friend Laurent Wauquiez, a suitable personality, according to some, to represent the Presidential Republicans in 2027-the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region officially supported him. If it is elected, Eric Ciotti will designate him “candidate from 2024”. To vote for him is in a way voting by proxy for Laurent Wauquiez.
At the microphone of BFM-TV, Mr. Ciotti says: “The activists will choose: if they want the primaries again, if they want to wait until November 2026 to wait for the hypothetical presidential candidate, it’s not for me that must be voted. “The deputy also has the support of Sarkozysts Nadine Morano and Brice Hortefeux as well as twenty-four of the sixty-five LR deputies and thirteen senators.
Bruno Retailleau, main opponent of Eric Ciotti, also has a substantial strike force. It seems to be much more popular in the executives of the Republicans. His temperament would be ideal for reconciling the different sensitivities of the party. Perceived as “more unifying” than the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, the president of the group Les Républicains in the Senate has the favors of the vast majority of his parliamentary troops. In total, 99 LR senators out of 145 are blocking behind him. The president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, and the former spokesperson for Eric Ciotti, Stéphane Le Rudulier, also supported him. Ditto for six deputies and three MEPs, including François-Xavier Bellamy.
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