Thursday, the elected official of the far right had launched “that he returns to Africa!” To the deputy LFI Carlos Martens Bilongo, who is black, during the latter’s intervention on a boat carrying Migrants.
Le Monde with AFP
The deputy for the National Rally (RN) Grégoire de Fournas was sanctioned with “censorship with temporary exclusion”, the prohibition to appear at the Bourbon Palace for fifteen days of session, and the deprivation of half of his parliamentary compensation for two months, Friday, November 4. It is the second deputy thus sanctioned during the V e
é> republic, after the related elected representative Maxime Gremetz in March 2011, at the origin of an altercation due to ministerial cars, poorly parked according to him.
This sanction had been proposed unanimously by the office of the National Assembly, gathered in the early afternoon, then immediately approved by a seated vote of the hemicycle. The RN deputy was not present during this vote. His group spoke out against this sanction.
The day before, M. de Fournas had launched “that he returns to Africa!” To the deputy of rebellious France (LFI) Carlos Martens Bilongo, who is black, while the latter spoke about the Ocean-Viking. The boost of the Humanitarian NGO SOS Méditerranée is currently carrying 234 migrants on board on board and is waiting to land them in Europe. M. de Fournas had immediately denied any racist character, ensuring that he had spoken of the “boat” and in “no case” of the deputy, elected Val-d’Oise.
“Given the gravity of the facts” and “legitimate emotion” aroused by these remarks, the president of the assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, had almost immediately pronounced a suspension of the session before the end and had announced the emergency convocation of the office of the National Assembly to decide a possible sanction to pronounce against the deputy Rn.
the dediabolization of the RN undermined
At the beginning of the afternoon, Friday, when he went to the National Assembly, the LFI deputy had been welcomed to the applause of his colleagues in the Nuts (LFI, French Socialist Party, French Communist Party, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts) Dressed in their tricolor scarves, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and several hundred people, with French flags and coalition parties.
Viticulturalist in the Medoc, M. de Fournas is the author of Tweets tendentious. “In Africa, they all like France and its Allocs. We welcome all of Africa?!”, He tweeted in 2017; “In response to the expulsion of our ambassador to Mali, we must expel all the Malians from France!”, He wrote in January 2022. Friday, the elected official defended himself from having erased other messages. Its exit weakens the nototalization strategy claimed by the troops of Marine Le Pen, since the unprecedented election of eighty-nine deputies of the far-right party in June.