led by the Renaissance deputy Lionel Royer-Perreaut, ex-LR, the group together for the Marseillais wants to oppose “de facto rallies” with the extreme right.
“The time has come from a clarification of our political positioning.” To the Marseille Municipal Council, the Renaissance deputy Lionel Royer-Perreaut, ex-Republicans (LR) passed in the presidential majority in February, announced, Friday, November 4, the creation of a various right group called “Ensemble for the Marseillais”. A collective of five members, all elected in 2020 on the lists of Martine Vassal, then candidate lr.
Alongside the deputy, we find the vice-president various right (DVD) of the Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis, Emmanuelle Charafe, the mayor DVD of 5 e sector, Anne-Marie d ‘ Estienne d’Orves and the regional councilors Isabelle Campagnola-Savon (Horizons) and Aurore Bruna (DVD). This creation weakens the group driven by M me vassal, which is still the main opposition to the Marseille Marseille (DVG), all the more. In June 2020, the president of the Metropolis and the Departmental Council, ex-LR, had on 39 municipal councilors out of 101. Now, she gathered only 32.
To explain the creation of their new group, the five Marseille elected officials highlight the need to “actively participate in the recomposition of the political spectrum”, by “creating a third central path” and “by refusing the extremes”. “I carry the values of a local, popular and Gaullist right,” said Aurore Bruna who, like her comrades, refutes the idea of a macronist group.
For Lionel Royer-Perreaut, it is above all an “clarification act” in the face of the will of some of his former partners of previous majorities “to be part of a logic of building a right Said “national”, with the corollary of the factual rallying or assumed to far -right political parties “. The neoteputé does not fail to recall that in June 2020, he had already publicly opposed a maneuver of rapprochement between elected LR and municipal councilors national rally, aimed at depriving the coalition of the left and Spring Marseille Spring of his victory in the ballot boxes .
“A story that begins”
Another indicator of this rapprochement for members of the new group, the common vote in September of elected LRs and representatives of reconquest! To oppose – in vain – in the election of Anne -Marie d’Estienne d’Orves as mayor of 5 e sector. A position that Mr. Royer-Perreaut had just abandoned after his victory in the legislative elections. “And that did not arouse any reaction of anyone,” notes the deputy, pointing without appointing her the president of the metropolis, Martine Vassal – absent in the hemicycle on Friday – who supported her opponent LR to the deputation, Didier Réault .
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