The complaint targets the crew rally of the three forests, accused of having violated a municipal decree prohibiting hunting for hounds near the dwellings of the town.
Le Monde With AFP
The mayor of Pont-Sainte-Maxence (Oise), Arnaud Dumontier (Les Républicains, LR), filed a complaint against a hunting crew, he announced to the France-Presse agency (AFP ) Wednesday November 2. The councilor criticizes him for an incident on Saturday October 29 during the continuation of a deer who had taken refuge in the city river.
The complaint, filed Tuesday, aims at the Rallye crew of the three forests for violation of a municipal decree of 2018, prohibiting hunting in the town in a perimeter of 300 meters around the dwellings, and 400 meters for Two districts located on the edge of the forest, said the elected LR, confirming information from Parisian .
According to the mayor, the facts occurred when a deer plunged into the Oise before going up on the bank, territory of the neighboring town of Beaurepaire, where it was shot. The animal was followed in the river by dogs “which are part of the crew,” he said, stressing that he would return to the investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the facts.
of “slanderous disinformation” for hunters
Bertrand Soulette, president of the crew, challenged any violation of the decree, speaking of a “non-event”: “The deer was driven out in agricultural zone on the territory of Beaurepaire with an authorization from the owner, The only ones who were able to make 20 meters in the water are two dogs, which we immediately recalled, “he told AFP. According to him, “nobody complained, neither the gendarmerie nor the police intervened”.
In a press release published on Wednesday, the Vénerie company “affirms its support for the three forest rally” and denounces a “slanderous disinformation” of the Ava France collective (let’s abolish the venery today). “Once again, opponents of hunting to hunt persist in spreading defamatory rumors to feed their liberticide propaganda”, estimates the association of hunters who also says he is surprised by the filing of complaints from the mayor of Pont-Sainte -Maxence.
a previous complaint
The three forest rally is targeted by a previous complaint from the mayor, filed for endangering the life of others, after the pursuit of a deer in February 2018 by a pack even in the center of the town.
The decree, taken in the wake of this incident and which strengthens a first ban on hunting in the urbanized areas, was validated in February by the Council of State, after a series of appeals from the Federation Departmental of hunters.
#hunting in the port!
Pursued by the pack of the 3 forest rally, the deer comes to take refuge in the area in…
Images, broadcast on social networks by the AVA collective show the deer in the water, pursued by dogs.
The latter were “encouraged by hunters,” the collective spokesman Stanislas Broniszewski told AFP. He considers that the crew also violated a ministerial decree of 2019 on Vénerie, prescribing to collect the animals caught up near housing, commercial or craft areas and establishments welcoming the public.