Energy and economic crises put under tension the communities, which denounce the drop in means with the abolition of local taxes by the State.
Honni be who badly thinks about it. The 49.3 triggered by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, Wednesday, November 2, on the draft budget for 2023, will once again prevent deputies from approaching the case of local authorities. They suspected. The government had already interned this chapter with that of justice, pushing the discussion on communities on Friday.
Eric Coquerel, deputy (La France Insoumise, LFI) of Seine-Saint-Denis, had heard of an agenda problem for a minister, but, confided the president of the finance committee, “that would surprise, since, suddenly, Dupond-Moretti [Minister of Justice] had to cancel a displacement to be there. I deduced that it was to refer to an “after-49.3” a mission where the majority necessarily knew a minority “. Not at all, assures Jean-René Cazeneuve, deputy (Renaissance) of the Gers and general rapporteur of the finance bill (PLF): “We still had a few points to finalize, in particular the impact of the energy shield.”
The question of local communities electrifies, it is true, the debates in Parliament. The deputies rejected, on October 25, the budgetary trajectory for 2023-2027, which strictly forced the expenses of local elected officials. The senators adopted it three days later, but by imposing on the State the same effort … the future of this “trust pact” is therefore very uncertain. David Lisnard, president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), is delighted. “Because once again, explains the mayor (Les Républicains, LR) of Cannes, it is a serious attack on the free administration of the municipalities. It is delirious to impose an increase in charges and to say in a paternalist way how must our expenses evolve. “
Since the presentation of the draft budget, in September, local elected officials and government have embarked on a dialogue of deaf. The former call for help; The second retorts that he has never given them so much money. “The PLF 2023 includes tangible and powerful signs of state support to communities, argues Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. We take the situation very seriously. Otherwise, we would not mobilize 5 billions of euros. “
deep discomfort
On October 27, the government presented an “electricity shock absorber” which “will reduce the bills of 1 billion euros”, recalls Mr. Béchu. There was already the price shield which protects the 28,000 smaller municipalities. The safety net voted in August will be extended to other communities in 2023 and it will drop from 430 million euros to 1.5 billion. The general operation will also be abundant by 320 million euros. It hadn’t happened for over ten years. Finally, the “green fund” (2 billion euros) will help communities in the ecological transition. And that is without counting the VAT and the property tax which should bring them more than 5 billion euros additional in 2023.
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