Faced with an acute recruitment crisis, the government multiplies financial measures, the next increase in the minimum hourly price of the personalized autonomy allowance (APA). But more than the salary, the question of support time with the elderly is crucial.
Portages of canceled meals, morning toilets carried out at lunchtime, shortened walks … The shortage of home aid darkens the daily life of the elderly losing autonomy that calls on them. However, the recruitment crisis has never been so acute. “For the past two years, we have not been able to recruit them or keep them. The job does not really want,” lasted Laïtitia Mininsé, director of a home help and support service (SAAD), in Caen. The 7,200 Saads of France must almost all give up responding to requests for intervention with elderly audiences, for lack of staff. The rate of refused files “borders on 30 % in dawn against 20 % in 2019”, is alarmed by Philippe Pichery, president (various right) of the department.
To revalue the profession, the government has multiplied financial measures for three years. The Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2023, adopted at first reading at the National Assembly on Monday October 31, thus plans to raise the minimum hourly price for the personalized autonomy allowance (APA). This floor scale had been set at 22 euros when it was created, at 1 er January 2022. It forced the departmental councils which fix the hourly level of the APA on their territory to revalue their tariffs whose most were inferior. Paid to some 760,000 people aged 60 or over, living at home, the APA partly covers their expenses to remunerate home help.
During the PLFSS 2023 debate at the National Assembly, Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Persons with Disabilities, is committed to increasing the national floor rate by 23 euros in 2023 by decree in 2023 . He also supported the adoption of an amendment which provides that from 2024 the minimum rate of the APA will evolve every year after inflation.
Sweet on all the benches of the Assembly – because they go “in the right direction” -, these two measures are nonetheless deemed insufficient on the question of the revaluation of wages. “At 23 euros, the national rate exclusively compensates for inflation and increases in the SMIC of 2022!”, Records the French Federation of Personal and Proximity Services. This floor rate is far from covering the cost cost of one hour of home intervention – which is 32 euros, calculates the UNA, the National Federation of Associative Services.
“Dragly decrease trips “
The government replied that it has created, in addition to the funded floor price funded, an additional hourly endowment of 3 euros. But only the Saads who improve their service (interventions in the evening, Sunday, public holidays) will be entitled to it. Obtaining this “carrot” supposes having more expenses to obtain it.
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