Emmanuel Macron wishes to occupy the land exploited by the right and the extreme right. Gérald Darmanin is delayed and tries to ally the Republicans.
The executive power has not yet found its dosage. During the summer, after a presidential campaign marked by a racist and xenophobic bid, Emmanuel Macron had judged the first version of the immigration bill too limited. Integration measures there was missing. Scheduled for September, the debate on the text of Gérald Darmanin was postponed to January 2023 and a duo of ministers was responsible for embodying this policy with two voices: the Minister of the Interior for Firmness, and that of work, Olivier Dussopt, for integration through employment. They are “very friends”, have been insisting their respective those around a few weeks. Still side by side at the Council of Ministers, they would even be accomplices “in TIC and TAC mode”, like the famous squirrels of Disney studios.
The scenography of “at the same time” was running. But the presidential camp was stolen from kick off, in the words of ministerial advisers. The extreme right and the right have loudly pre -empted the ground using the murder of the young Lola in Paris, on October 14, whose main suspect is an Algerian without a valid residence permit. “You have to set the frame, put the rational back in the emotional”, press a familiar from the palace. For fifteen days, the Elysée has been receiving analyzes from the government’s information service deemed alarming: on social networks, the subjects of discussion linked to immigration are not dried up.
It was time to “push the fires thoroughly”, summarizes an adviser to the Head of State. If the Macronian logic with two legs continues, the executive crosses a notch in each of the directions. It is no longer just a question of distinguishing asylum, in the name of humanity, and irregular immigration, associated with firmness. But more generously enhance the foreigners who work, even in an irregular situation, and to target those who present a danger. “We must now be mean to the bad and kind to the Gentiles,” said Gérald Darmanin in an interview with the world. 2> “Everyone will be expensive”
The Minister of the Interior attributes delinquency to a part of the foreigners, according to his usual rhetoric, defended by Emmanuel Macron on France 2 on October 26. Words that would have shocked opinion a few years ago. “Politics is a time of maturation,” said the Elysée, where successive polls are scrutinized. According to the “French fractures” survey, carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria and published in October, more than 60 % of interviewees find that you “no longer feel at home as before” and that there are too many foreigners in France.
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