In package ExfatProgs 1.2.0 there was support for restoration of FS Exfat

published The package Issues ExfatProgs 1.2.0 , developing the official linux-utilitis set for creating and checking the FS Exfat, which has replaced the outdated package exfat-utils and accompanying the new Exfat new driver built into the Linux nucleus (supplied starting from the release of the kernel 5.7). The kit includes utilities mkfs.exfat, fsck.exfat, tune.exfat, exfatlabel, dump.exfat and exfat2img. The code is written in the language of si and distributes under the license gplv2.

The new release is remarkable for the implementation in the FSCK.exfat utility in the possibility of restoration of damage in FS Exfat (earlier functionality was limited only to identifying problems) and supporting files of files in catalogs with a damaged structure. FSCK.exfat also added new options: “B” to restore the boot sector and “S” to create lost fals in the “/Lost+Found” catalog.
The EXFAT2IMG utility adds the ability to create dumps for metadata from FS Exfat.

/Media reports.