The American social network works to solve the problem, which prevents at least a few thousand subscribers from accessing its services.
Le Monde
Monday, October 31, at the beginning of the afternoon, many Instagram users reported that their account had suddenly been suspended, without the social network having motivated this decision. Others reported a slight drop in their subscribers.
“We are aware that some of you are having difficulty accessing their Instagram account, explained the Meta subsidiary communication service on its Twitter account . We work there and we apologize for the inconvenience caused.” Contacted by Le Monde, the subsidiary French Instagram has not been able to provide further explanations to this bug.
On the DowndeTector site, which allows Internet users to bring the problems they encounter with certain sites and services on the Internet, A peak of incidents appeared around 3 hours of the afternoon (Paris time), concentrating several thousand reports. However, this number does not reflect the exact magnitude of the phenomenon, which remains unknown for the time. Since this peak, the frequency of incidents seems to regress.
Furthermore, the accounts of certain users have lost a small part of their subscribers. According to the American media The Verge, the footballer Christiano Ronaldo count for example three million less than the day before, when it still totaled 493 million subscribers.
This failure occurs less than a week after the breakdown of another Meta app, WhatsApp, which affected billions of users on October 24. Two hours after the start of the incident, the Meta group, the Instagram parent company, lost almost 5 % on the Wall Street Stock Exchange.