Mogadiscio: bloody revenge of Chabab

The double attack that left more than 100 dead on Saturday in the Somali capital, is awarded to the jihadist group. This branch of al-Qaida has intensified its attacks since the summer, in reaction to the operations of the authorities.


The similarity of the operating mode is particularly disturbing. Five years after the deadliest attack on African soil (587 victims following the explosion of a truck trapped on October 14, 2017), the great artery of the Somali capital, Mogadiscio, where he had Unrolled, was the target of a new attack on the car trapped, perpetrated by the same authors: the jihadists of the Chabab group.

Saturday October 29, it is still the crossroads of Zobe, an animated crossing point of the capital, which was targeted by this movement affiliated with Al-Qaida. This artery where the merchants are jostling was then in full effervescence. The double explosion left at least one hundred dead and more than three hundred injured, according to the presidency.

A first car bomb targeted the entrance to the Ministry of Education. A few minutes later, a second vehicle exploded in the middle of the crowd who came to rescue, raising two huge wreaths of smoke and dust in the sky of Mogadishu.

pulverized buildings

Questioned by the Reuters agency, a man, present on the crossroads of Zobe, Abdullahi Aden, recognized among the rubble the remains of the tuk-tuk of a friend whom he sought all day. “We were tired and desperate, but we finally found his body in the hospital, at midnight, he said, horrified. I could never erase this image of my head.” The breath of the explosions pulverized the windows of the buildings of the buildings of the buildings of the buildings of the buildings of the buildings of the buildings Around, destroyed dozens of stalls and vehicles, whose carcasses still lay the next day on the asphalt. This Sunday, paramedics and residents of the capital were continuing the excavations in the rubble.

Arrived at the scene a few hours after the attack, President Hassan Cheikh Mohamoud urged the international community to mobilize doctors and called Somalians to donate their blood. In Mogadiscio, hospitals are lacking in equipment and overflowing wounded. “The number of deaths and injured continues to increase,” he said on Saturday evening. “It is in the same place [in 2017] and they are the same innocent (…). It’s not fair. If God wants, they will no longer be able to perpetrate a new attack [like that of Zobe] “, he castigated, referring to the jihadists of the Chabab.

The European Union (EU) hastened to condemn the attack which “only reminds us of the barbarism of the Chabab against its own people and reveals the true hypocrisy of its intentions,” said the chief of the EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, in a press release published on Sunday.

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/Media reports.