A delicate sequence of several months of discussions will start between liberal medicine and health insurance. With the key, the objective of signing in the spring, despite the complicated economic and social context, the contract which will bind them for the next five years.
Negotiations of the “Medical Convention”, this contract which governs, for five years, the relations between the 113,000 liberal doctors and health insurance, are preparing to start: the “framing letter” by which The Ministry of Health kicks off the sequence was communicated, Thursday, October 27, in the evening, to the director general of health insurance, Thomas Fatôme. It is up to him, in the “every next few weeks”, we advance avenue de Ségur, to hire the representative unions of city medicine, general practitioners and specialists, in this new “round”.
“This negotiation is essential for our health system, access to the care of the French and the future of liberal medicine”, can be read under the signing of the Minister of Health, François Braun, and the Minister Delegate, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo. Four priorities are available on five pages; All echo the debates of the moment, especially on medical deserts, the 6 million French people without an attending physician, the management of unscheduled care …
It is first of all a question of the fight against inequalities of access to health in all their forms – territorial, social or financial. Second, the integration of prevention in doctors’ activity and the improvement of practices and the quality of care. Next comes the release of “medical time” in order to allow doctors to increase their patients. Finally comes the challenge of the deployment of “digital health”, to be used at patients and professionals.
To engage city medicine in the effort requested for 2023-2028, the two ministers promise “revaluation of the conditions of exercise”. They defend devices “promoting installation and maintenance” in medical deserts, even if it means “optimizing the” existing aid in return for “strong commitments to professionals”. They invoke “sharing of tasks” and “cooperation with other health professions”, but also the “presence of doctors, in particular specialists, outside their usual place of exercise”, in connection with specialized care teams .
An invitation to aggiornamento? This is not formalized as an obligation – it would hit the profession. “Above all, we hope that the solutions implemented (…) come from actors in the health system themselves, in a logic of proximity, confidence and responsibility”, write the ministers. A method also defended within the framework of the National Refoundation-Health Council, inaugurated in early October. The negotiations that open must integrate the contribution.
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