The last day of the campaign was marked by a new fact of violence, when a deputy close to Jair Bolsonaro was filmed pursuing a black man and pointing a weapon on him in the street in Sao Paulo .
Lula to Sao Paulo, surrounded by environmental defenders; Bolsonaro, in the Minas Gerais accompanied by bikers. The two candidates of the second round of the presidential election in Brazil chose the two key states of the country to carry out their last campaign acts, Saturday October 29, on the eve of the ballot.
In a carnival spirit, the candidate of the left, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, had called to parade on avenue Paulita, the main artery of the city of Sao Paulo, the main electoral college of the country. Brazilian law prohibits meetings on the eve of the elections, but it authorizes the organization of processions or parades, with the use of speakers and other means of propaganda.
Hundreds of thousands of people answered Lula’s call which, according to the latest polls, remains favorite of the presidential election, with 52 % of voting intentions, against 48 % for its far -right rival, According to the DataFolha survey institute. But the gap has been tightened in recent days. “Frankly, nothing is yet defined, we are faced with a potential draw, but, as in football, this is now played at the penalties”, philosopher Rosario Lopes, a 54 -year -old social worker, who came to parade with friends. The polls, she doesn’t believe it too much. She does not forget that before the first round the vote for Jair Bolsonaro was very largely underestimated by the specialized institutes.
“Crucial moment of civilization”
Rosario is anxious: she waits for Lula. He must, at any time, get out of the place where, with his candidate for the vice-president, Geraldo Alckmin, and his candidate for the post of governor of the state of Sao Paulo, Fernando Haddad, he must leave before to join the parade. Planted on the sidewalk opposite, she twists her fingers. Then: “It’s Pepe!” She exclaims, seeing José appear “Pepe” Mujica, the former Uruguayan 87-year-old who came to support the candidate of the Workers’ Party (PT). The emotion is at its height when Rosario sees the top of Lula’s skull. “I have been voting for him since I was very small,” she explains. “In the 1970s, I was bottled with social struggles. My parents fought against dictatorship. And now, at 54, it’s I who must fight to defend democracy. “
Because Brazil is indeed at a “crucial moment of civilization”, as Celso AMORIM said, who was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense of Lula. Democracy against dictatorship, it is the feeling of urgency that many Lula voters display. “If Bolsonaro is re -elected, it is the end of Brazil as we know him”, dreads Julita Azevedo, restorer of 68 -year -old books, who also came with a group of friends.
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