Since its creation in 2019, Time for the Planet has managed to raise more than 12 million euros to invest in innovations fighting against global warming.
Awakenings are certainly unpleasant but they can be beneficial. That of Mehdi Coly is stored in this category. In 2017, the young entrepreneur is in the United States where he developed his activities around SEO software. On Facebook, the one who says he is “a pure start-up from the start-up nation” is challenged by supporters of collapsology. “They told me that infinite growth in a finished world was no longer possible.”
Mehdi Coly then embarked on the reading of the books of engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici and Pablo Servigne, theorist of collapse. “After that, I didn’t want to continue at all,” he said. The birth of his first child, in 2018, drives the nail. “I know that it is too late to avoid the disaster. But I want to be able to tell my son that I will have done everything to limit it.”
Returning to France, the thirties holding a master’s degree in European law shares his reflections with Nicolas Sabatier, a fellow of his law of law in Lyon-III to co-construct the project with him. The two friends set up, a few years earlier, an inclusive summer camp. Then everyone resumed their journey … but the climatic emergency catches up with them. It remains to be seen how to act. “The idea was to take the best of the association and the best of the start-up, sums up Mehdi Coly. Associative side, that’s obviously the cause. Start-up side, it’s to leave anything and impact very strongly on the world. “
12 million euros collected in three years
This is how in 2019, the start-up Time for the Planet was born, carried by the two men joined by Laurent Morel and Denis Galha Garcia, then by Coline Debayle and Arthur Aubœuf. The principle of Time for the Planet? It finds its source in the GIEC reports which insist on the importance of innovation in the fight against global warming. “Many people have ideas but struggle to implement them, explains Nicolas Sabatier. We, we spot the innovations, we add execution then we massively bring money.” Understand: scientists have good ideas But are not trained in business. Time for the Planet recruits entrepreneurs who will be able to promote global development of innovation and ensures funding.
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