The week, which ended on Friday, was devoted to the personality of the terrorist. A dozen of his relatives told his childhood in Tunisia, his obsession with sex, his “quirks” of behavior. A choral portrait that has not made it possible to understand the deep motivations of his insane crime.
How to restore the personality of a dead when this man committed the unthinkable, one of the most monstrous massacres that one can imagine? How to identify the deep motivations of a terrorist whose everything suggests that he was very disrupted psychologically?
In the absence of psychiatric expertise, for lack of established complicities or a message of claim written by his care, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who murdered eighty-six people by driving on the crowd, aboard ‘A truck, July 14, 2016 in Nice, won with him the mysteries of his insane act.
Was the killer of the English walk? Was it depressed, suicidal and sadistic, radicalized or all of this at the same time? During a week of debates entirely devoted to the personality of the terrorist, which ended on Friday October 28, the Paris Special Assize Court tried to disentangle the unhealthy through the testimonies of a dozen of its relatives. Each has given a facet of the son, a piece of the brother, the nephew, a memory of the lover, a plot of the “monster”.
The exact nature of his disorders and the springs of his passage to the act have remained elusive. But, according to the questions, through the testimonies, a mosaic has gradually drawn, sketching the portrait of an unstable man, intolerant of frustration, impulsive and violent, presenting narcissistic disorders, incapable of empathy, Who “fired religion”, but had ended up being interested, very superficially, in Islam in the weeks preceding his crime.
His parents and one of his sisters, first of all, came from Tunisia to tell the bar his childhood in a crude and modest family of M’Saken, a small town in the Tunisian Sahel, its tormented adolescence, its complexes Class, his “quirks” of behavior, his anger access too. Other loved ones living in France, a aunt, a brother-in-law, a cousin, her lover and his two mistresses then told her years from Nice, his sickly obsession for sex, his wife, whom he was beating The envy, his “quirks”, again.
“he hated himself”
From his youth in Tunisia, we retained a first character trait which seems to have followed the killer until his death, at the age of 31: Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel did not love himself. “He hated himself,” said his aunt Rafika at the helm, one of the only members of his family whose terrorist remained close after his departure for France. This hatred of self was doubled with a deep resentment towards his parents: “He was hatred, he said that they were rats, savages”, says the old aunt, wrapped in a large black coat.
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