Negotiations between company management and representatives of commercial navigation personnel, supposed to succeed on October 31, are lying on the issue of workforce.
As feared, negotiations that have gathered for several weeks direction and unions of Air France hostesses and stewards, to find a successor to the collective agreement which matters on Monday October 31, will not be completed in time . “We arrive at the end of October and the collective agreement,” sighs Christelle Auster, president of the National Commercial Personnel Union (SNPNC), according to which “for the first time, there will be no Agreement “between management and unions.
Now, let her know, Air France plans a “unilateral passage”. In practice, as long as the discussions have not succeeded, it is the management that takes control of the organization of work of commercial navigation (PNC). She should not abuse it. The unions would have notably “asked that during negotiations, there is no modification of the composition of the crews”, specifies M me auster.
Precisely, the number of hostesses and stewards per flight is the main stumbling block of discussions. In the name of profitability, management would like to impose a PNC for 51 passengers against a PNC for 48 today, during long-haul flights. The unions, on the contrary, wish to maintain the current composition of the crews. They thus follow the opinion of the employees, who have already rejected this proposal at 72 %, during a vote organized in mid-November 2021 by the unions.
new hires
No doubt aware of this massive rejection, the management would have taken a first step by lowering its claims, so as to ask only a PNC for 50 passengers. In early October, the Air France group of the Navigants (SNGAF), the first organization with the PNCs, said that this new reduced composition of the crews would be a threat to the safety of flights and employment “. According to it, it is 800 to 1,200 PNC which could be in an overstaffective from the 1 er November. A fear that does not seem shared by the president of the SNPNC. According to her, “only 80 PNC” would be affected. “We are far from the 1,200 full -time equivalents” agitated by the SNGAF, tempers Christelle Auster. The recomposition of the crews should only affect in a first one that the ten long-haul Dreamliner 787 already in the Fleet of Air France.
But whatever the figures, no question for unions to see the number of PNCs decrease. On the contrary, on the side of the SNPNC, we campaign for new hires, “this is our workhorse”, underlines M me auster. The latter recalls “that there are 500 PNCs waiting to be hired after they succeeded in their selection”. In addition, reports the trade unionist, 70 to 80 hostesses and stewards will join Air France after agreements concluded with her short-Courrier hop! “There will be hires,” she is convinced. For the SNPNC, the strike is therefore not on the agenda, even if the health of Air France improves.
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