Eric Hager had hanged himself after being informed of his continuation in detention, contrary to what the court had just judged.
The case, started on a shameful corner of the table, ends in a fishtail. The Lyon Criminal Court released, on Wednesday, October 26, two magistrates continued for “false in public writing” and “arbitrary detention”. The motivations for the judgment were not yet available on Thursday, but the decision is in accordance with what the prosecutor required. There was a “succession of oversights and errors”, a “lack of verification” and “disciplinary faults” but “no fraudulent intention”, she said at the hearing of September 21 by requesting Relax, according to the words reported by the France-Presse agency.
The file would probably not be so delicate if these oversights, errors and faults had caused the suicide of a 49 -year -old man. Eric Hager, under supervision and unemployed, was placed in pre-trial detention for nine months at the bar-le-Duc (Meuse), while waiting to be tried for stab wounds carried to his stepfather , with whom he had drunk all day. Sentenced on June 12, 2015 to two years in prison, including eighteen months firm, he was to be released the same day, the balance of sentence which could be set up by the judge of the application of the sentences.
The astonished prison clerk goes to court, on the other side of the square, and falls on the two magistrates who presided over the hearing and represented the public prosecutor on this single file of the morning. They say they have done a blunder. Maintaining detention was not required or debated at the hearing or pronounced. Wanting to correct this oblivion on a decision that seemed to them to go without saying, the criminal sheet is modified to add the mention “Med”, to maintain detention. It is the falsification of a court decision.
“dramatic consequences”
Informed of this turnaround at 1:30 p.m., Eric Hager asks to call his mother, as he does every day. Around 1:40 p.m., he confides to him, before hanging up: “I’m going to hang myself, that’s it.” At 1:50 p.m., he is found hanged in his cell.
It took seven years before justice statue on this dramatic event. Seven years in multiple twists and turns, as if justice had trouble judging its own.
A first complaint from the deceased family for “false in public writing” and “manslaughter” was classified without follow -up, in January 2017, by the public prosecutor of Epinal. He retained the hypothesis of an error of law, which is not an offense. The president is said to have said confused “deposit warrant”, who concerns an imprisoned person before being tried, and “keeping in detention”, for a sentenced person while they are already imprisoned.
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