Chrome 107 release

Google introduced the release of Web-browser chrome 107 . At the same time is available a stable release of a free project chromium acting as the basis of Chrome. Chrome browser differs from chromium, there is a schedule, there , modules for playing a video content of a video content (DRM), an automatic installation system of updates, a constant inclusion of Sandbox insulation, supplying the keys to Google API and transmission when searching for RLZ parameters. For those who need more time to update, the Extended Stable branch is separately supported, accompanied by 8 weeks. The next issue of Chrome 108 is scheduled for November 29.

main Changes in chrome 107 :

  • Added support for the mechanism ech (Encrypted Client Hello), which continues the development of Esni (Encrypted Server Name Indication) and is used to encrypt information about TLS sinques, such as the requested domain name. The key difference of ECH and ESNI is that in ECH, instead of encryption at the level of individual fields, all Clienthello TLS messages are completely encrypted, which allows you to block leaks through the fields that ESNI does not cover, for example, the PSK field (Pre-SHHARED KEY). Ech also uses DNS recording httpssvc instead of recording TXT to transmit information about open the key also applies to obtain and encryption of the key authenticted through encryption based on the mechanism hpke (hybrid public key Encryption).
    To control the inclusion of ECH, the configuration “Chrome: // Flags#Encrypted-Client-Shello”.
  • is proposed

  • enabled support for hardware acceleration of video decoding in H.265 (HEVC).
  • Activated fifth stage information of information
/Media reports.