The ex-President of the Republic was to perform on the stage of the national dramatic center on October 31, which had aroused strong criticism.
Finally, Nicolas Sarkozy will not go on the stage of the National Theater of Nice (TNN). Five days before his arrival, scheduled for Monday, October 31, as part of the new meeting “a little, a lot, passionate”, the public of the Nice-Côte d’Azur National Dramatic Center was informed that the evening was “canceled” . The former President of the Republic will not come “to discuss his choices and his affinities with the world of letters and arts” and “the whole programming adjoining this meeting is also deleted”, indicates the TNN.
Reason mentioned by the theater: “the withdrawal of our partner with whom” a little, a lot, passionately “, had been built from the start”. This “partner” is Denis Carreaux, editorial director of the Nice-Matin group. The journalist had been contacted by Murielle Mayette-Holtz, director of the TNN, to animate, once a month, these “cultural” meetings with political leaders that she had herself imagined. “I cannot ensure the whole season,” said the journalist.
The arrival of Nicolas Sarkozy, close political friend of the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, for an hour and a half of exchanges on the set of a national dramatic center, all embellished with “interventions of actors or musicians to illustrate His cultural preferences “had made some municipal elected representatives of the opposition and other associative managers. The latter pointed out “the incongruity” of this programming, when the former president is questioned in several judicial cases.