The elected officials of the Luxembourg Palace have limited access to compensation for employees in fixed -term contracts and temporary workers refusing permanent contracts. The text must now be the subject of a joint joint commission on November 9.
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“First step” of the government to arrive at full employment – 5 % unemployment – by 2027, the bill paving the way for unemployment insurance reform was adopted by hand First reading in the Senate, Tuesday October 25 in the evening. In a palace in Luxembourg dominated by the right and the center, the text voted in the National Assembly on October 11 by the deputies of the presidential coalition and the Republicans (LR) was significantly hardened during its exam.
The initial objective of this short bill of five articles, presented as “technical” by the executive, is to allow the government to extend the current compensation rules for the unemployed of the 1 SUP> November until December 31, 2023 to give the future negotiation with the social partners on the governance of the regime. The senators reduced this period to August 31, 2023, considering it “more proportioned and sufficient” for this negotiation.
During the examination of the text in public session Monday, the senators then confirmed the vote in committee on the abolition of the right to compensation for employees in fixed -term contracts who refuse three CDIs “of a remuneration at least equivalent” In the last twelve months. While at the National Assembly, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, had referred the subject to a future parliamentary working group, this time he clearly opposed, in vain, at this disposal, which, according to him, “Pose a problem in principle”. He considers indeed “that there is no need to sanction” an employee in fixed -term contracts “who goes to the end of the commitment he has signed (…) without failing the commitment hers”.
“This is a very different situation,” added the minister, that of postal abandonment, which the assembly has already hardened. If, currently, employees who leave their employment without notice can benefit from unemployment benefits after being dismissed by their employer, deputies together! (Renaissance, Modem and Horizons) and LR established an “presumption of resignation”, preventing the opening of rights to allowances. A device confirmed by senators.
“We have companies looking for employees”
However, the LR elected officials failed to harden the text as much as they wanted. They have thus not managed to adopt a provision aimed at excluding unemployment insurance employees from fixed-term contracts from the first CDI refusal. “We are 7 % unemployed, we have companies looking for employees. We are not saying that the employee who refuses a CDI will find himself without anything, we are saying that he will not touch No allowance. But he can very well find a job, “defended the author of the amendment, Senator LR de Haute-Loire, Laurent Dupumb. But for Olivier Dussopt, “the Labor Code already provides that when the employer offers a permanent contract with the same conditions and the same remuneration and that it is refused, it is possible not to pay the precariousness bonus, C ‘is sufficient “.
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